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Referral program for 30% in the Internet services system

Реферальная программа в системе интернет услуг

In addition to an excellent internet monitoring service, we offer our loyal users a referral system. Which will allow everyone interested to receive a worthy reward from us. Try it and tell your friends and acquaintances
7 benefits of external monitoring

The benefits of external monitoring

How much benefit can outsourcing monitoring bring if you use it in time and correctly?
The question is multifaceted. and organizational, and technical, and financial. By outsourcing monitoring, you free up a lot of resources and man-hours for organizing and maintaining a fault-tolerant system.
Why does a telecom provider need external monitoring?

For communication providers about external monitoring

Check IP in blacklists, check IP availability from different points and find out tips on what you can do to increase the reliability of your network
Distributed offices and corporations about network reliability

Distributed offices and corporations about network reliability

Control the availability of all offices and business resources. How to be the first to know about resource problems. and prevent possible situations
5 tips on what you need to pay attention to for the reliability of the site

Web developers about monitoring

Be the first to know that something is wrong with your site. Check server availability, monitor site responses, control domain and certificate expiration dates - enable monitoring for your site "all in one"

SSL certificate control

Site certificate is a quality mark. It is necessary and needs to be updated periodically. and if you miss the update time, your users will see a nasty message and their credibility will be shaken. What to do about it?

Monitoring web resources

Monitoring by ICMP protocol


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